Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy birthday!

Happy 29th birthday, honey! I can't believe you're so old.


Your always younger wife

(LOVE the birthday sombrero at El Vaq!)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A right proper post

Have you ever had that feeling of your stomach dropping? The one where you've suddenly realized that you didn't do some vitally important task? When you think you have screwed something up so badly that it can't be fixed and you are likely to get fired/flunked/arrested?

I hate that feeling.

I had an opportunity to become familiar with that feeling today when I received a text from a classmate asking me if the literature review for a huge research paper was really due tomorrow. Cue the ultimate Oh Shit moment.

As I was preparing for an all-nighter, not the greatest idea following a two-day bout with the stomach flu, my generous professor emailed an extension to our woefully unprepared class. I'm not sure I have ever been more relieved.

Now if you will excuse me, I have some research to attend to...

Pretend it's Tuesday

Stomach flu & fighting OSU for use of a photo of a public building on public property that I took myself.

You call it a nightmare? I call it Tuesday.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I've got a new addiction, and it's name is Words with Friends.

I've heard about my iPhone-loving friends' obsession with this game forever, but dismissed it as a fad that I, as an Android user, would never participate in....until I discovered it in the Market and thought innocently, "What's the harm?"

Big mistake. It's just like Scrabble, except people will actually play with me and it doesn't get boring after a few moves. It's fantastic! It somehow manages to make me feel simultaneously really intelligent and completely lacking a vocabulary.

For all my iPhone/Android friends...join me in the dark side. I'll be waiting. Username: Vtrammell.

Game on.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A day of rest

Launching a business while working full-time and taking 6 hours of grad classes is tiring, like stupidly so.

So today was a perfect day of lounging on the couch, napping and pretending like my house doesn't look like this:

Keeping it real!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I may have eaten meat today, but I refuse to fail the 30-day blogging challenge too.

It turns out, vegetarian living is difficult, especially on your body. And mine couldn't take the stress. So, today began with a platter of chicken enchiladas and a sense of disappointment in my resolve.

There's always next year.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Awwww factor

Allow me to present your daily dose of cute: click here.
(It's about 30 seconds long, so no excuses.)

Oh Mylanta, I want one SO BAD. I'm completely ignoring the fact that they can grow to 1,500 pounds and kill you with one swipe.

Ok, this settles it. I want an exotic baby animal zoo. Who is with me?