Monday, March 28, 2011


I've got a new addiction, and it's name is Words with Friends.

I've heard about my iPhone-loving friends' obsession with this game forever, but dismissed it as a fad that I, as an Android user, would never participate in....until I discovered it in the Market and thought innocently, "What's the harm?"

Big mistake. It's just like Scrabble, except people will actually play with me and it doesn't get boring after a few moves. It's fantastic! It somehow manages to make me feel simultaneously really intelligent and completely lacking a vocabulary.

For all my iPhone/Android friends...join me in the dark side. I'll be waiting. Username: Vtrammell.

Game on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really scared to add you. I have to wait for a time in my life when I'm ready to get my butt whooped.