She told me that my hacking, debilitating cough that kept me up at night and made me throw up repeatedly was "just an after-effect of my cold and would most likely go away on its own within the next 6 months."
Excuse me, did you just tell me that my cough could stay until summer? Like, I could be wearing shorts the next time I go a full day without coughing? Dear Lord.
So she gave me an inhaler to try to help with the inhaler with the #1 side effect of coughing. Sigh.
After two days of coughing so hard I threw up and not being able to sleep until 5 am, I called back to the
I guess I'll just have to wait it out. Stay tuned for the "I'm Done Coughing" post. It should hit sometime between now and mid-June.
As a reasonably intelligent person of some years, may I make a suggestion? GO TO A REAL DOCTOR. Can you put a price tag on your health? (Rhetorical question) I happen to know your parents and I bet they would give you a REAL and GOOD DOCTOR VISIT For Christmas this year - just to keep you from coughing/vomiting in their POOL this SUMMER. And because they CARE.....
Well again, I didn't know I wasn't seeing a real doctor until after I saw her!
If I'm not considerably better by Monday, I'm going to our doc in Edmond!
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